Your reading journey.

Discover insights, track progress, and expand your literary horizons.


Perfect features to
make your reading easier.

Abstract 3D shapes, bubbles in orange and blue.

Make the right first impression, collect all the info as a user signs up for the first time.

Coding is not required to make an app. You can create fully customized apps that can be downloaded onto any smartphone, tablet, or computer using Jotform's free no-code app builder.

Abstract 3D shapes, bubbles in orange and blue.

Make the right first impression, collect all the info as a user signs up for the first time.

Coding is not required to make an app. You can create fully customized apps that can be downloaded onto any smartphone, tablet, or computer using Jotform's free no-code app builder.

Keep track of your books and grow closer to their story.

Reading is not just about seeing the words, but rather to understand a story.

we are Bookshelfio

Built by readers, for readers.

flexible pricing tiers
Unlimited Notes
Millions of books
Satisfaction guaranteed


We believe learning from a book takes more than just a pass through.

Reader satisfaction
“Im using BookShelfio to track what I am reading, and their AI tool to understand the author at a different level”

Nancy Smith

Book enthusiast

this is how it works

Books teach you lifelong lessons

Let the story flow

BookShelfio enhances the reader's experience by offering AI-powered chat features that allow for interactive discussions about books. This helps maintain the flow of a story by providing instant clarification, contextual insights, and personalized recommendations as readers progress through a book.

Stuck on a book?

AI can answer questions, explain complex themes, and offer background information, making it easier for readers to stay immersed in the narrative without interruptions or confusion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent questions and Pricing

Free Tier

In the free tier of BookShelfio, users can enjoy unlimited AI chats, allowing them to dive deep into discussions about their favorite books. With the ability to store up to 3 books in their personal bookshelf, users can easily track their reading progress and get insightful commentary. The free tier is always available, ensuring that readers can access these features whenever they need.

Pro Membership

BookShelfio's pro membership unlocks unlimited books in your personal bookshelf, allowing you to curate and manage as many titles as you'd like. Pro members also enjoy unlimited AI chats for deeper book discussions and insights. Additionally, you'll gain early access to all new features, ensuring you're always on the cutting edge of what BookShelfio has to offer.

How does BookShelfio work?

BookShelfio works by providing an interactive platform where users can store their favorite books and engage in AI-driven conversations about them. After adding books to your bookshelf, you can chat with the AI to ask questions, explore themes, and get personalized insights as you read. Whether you're looking to clarify a plot point or dive deeper into character development, the AI is available for real-time discussions. For free users, up to 3 books can be stored, while pro members enjoy unlimited books and access to new features. It's a simple, yet powerful tool designed to enhance your reading experience.


At BookShelfio, we take your privacy seriously. We understand that the books you read and the discussions you have about them are deeply personal. That’s why we ensure that your data is never shared with third parties or other users. Your bookshelf, AI chats, and personal preferences remain completely confidential, giving you peace of mind while exploring your literary interests. We are committed to maintaining a safe, private space for all our readers.

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